Thursday, June 19, 2008

Negative, Positive, and everything in between.

There's a buzz around Etsy. Things seem normal outside the forums, but if you're a regular forum reader, you know that negativity and positivity are at a battle within the community. From bugs to copy cats Etsy is amiss with communication breakdown. Most Estyians are at a standstill and waiting for resolutions. Some Etsyians have taken it upon themselves to blog, to comment and to post in the forums for answers.

The Etsy Way is being founded this day as a source of middle ground. It's true that I have choosen to blog privately in an effort to keep my identity secret. But this will not be a place of finger pointing and calling out names which have become buzz words. At times, this blog may refer to articles and blogs written by fellow Etsyians as a way to shed some light on the middle ground. Name calling and finger pointing just aren't the Etsy Way.

No doubt, you want to know who's behind the drama that has landed. We're all curious. But the source of the drama is not the subject here, it's getting past the drama and finding a way to rise above it.

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